Introversion of attention (sati+upatthana)
Attention to in and out breathing (anapana sati)
1. In this case a follower having gone into a forest, a foot a tree, or empty shelter, sits cross-legged with back erect.
2. Having withdrawn attention from external surroundings, he focuses his attention within. (body, feeling, mood, thought)
3. Fully aware, he breathes in; and fully aware, he breathes out.
4. When breathing in long, he knows “I am breathing in long”; when breathing out long, he knows “I am breathing out long”.
5. When breathing in short, he knows “I am breathing in short”; when breathing out short, he knows “I am breathing out short”.
6. Aware of how the entire body feels, he breathes in
7. Aware of how the entire body feels, he breathes out
8. Relaxing the bodily activity he breathes in
9. Relaxing the bodily activity he breathes out
a. Experiencing happiness he breathes in
b. Experiencing happiness he breathes out
c. Experiencing comfort he breathes in
d. Experiencing comfort he breathes out
e. Experiencing tranquility he breathes in
f. Experiencing tranquility he breathes out