It becomes clear form the foregoing discussion, that the Buddha was never born, and “He” never died because He never existed. Yet the body of the Bodhisatta who became a Buddha remains to be seen by all as the Buddha. The Buddha, however, can be truly seen only by someone who sees the Dhamma. The Buddha has “become Dhamma” (Dhamma Bhuto) through a paradigm shift. He has moved from the ken of “apparent existence” to the ken of “the reality of impersonal experience” where no “self” or “world” is visible or known. This is what the Mahayanists call suññata. This is why the Buddha is called “The Transcendent One” (Tathagata). He has transcended the human and ordinary state of “existence.” 

Therefore we celebrate the Bodhisatta Gotama’s conquest of death, by Awakening from the dream of “being-in-the- world,” and entering the reality of “impersonality” (anatta), by becoming the Buddha, the “Awake-one.” 

We celebrate Siddhatta Gotama’s discovery of the way to immortality, or opening the door to deathlessness, for the benefit of all beings. This achievement is a historic and truly scientific breakthrough, which is of great significance to all humanity. It was not only a great step for the Bodhisatta, but also a tremendous step for all humankind

Therefore, on this Vesak day, we do not really celebrate the birth, existence, or death of the Buddha, because He was never born, nor did “He” exist, nor did He die. We do, however, celebrate the final birth of the Bodhisatta who suffered in samsara and practiced the Paramitas through innumerable aeons, for the sake of all beings. 

We celebrate the Bodhisatta Gotama’s conquest of death, through freedom from “being,” by Awaking from the dream of “being-in-the-world,” and entering the reality of “impersonality” (anatta), by becoming a Buddha, an “Awake- one.” 

We also feel, as unenlightened beings, our extreme condolences about the disappearance of the figure of the Buddha, when the body of the Bodhisatta that was depersonalized in attaining Buddhahood, and was visible to us as the Buddha, attained quietus. 

These glorious Vesak celebrations of Buddhists remind not only Buddhists, but all humankind, about: 

(1) The ultimate realities of life 

(2) The basic problem of life that everyone suffers from without exception 

(3) The victory of man over the ever threatening Challenger – Death (MARA), by the awakening of the Buddha from the dream of existence. 

This fact, if understood fully by all humankind, 

All the fires of lust, hate, sorrow and fear, will be extinguished forever, and Global Unity, Peace and Happiness, will prevail in the world. 


           Let’s beat 

           The drum of deathlessness 

           For the benefit of all humanity 

         “Open for you is the door to immortality 
           Those who have ears do listen and be free” – 
