Cultivation of Compassion: 

           1. Universal benevolence (metta

           2. Empathy (karuna

Compassion has an area dimension called universal benevolence (metta) and a depth dimension called empathy (karuna

Universal benevolence (metta) is a selfless longing for weal and welfare of all beings. It is not a love for one individual or even love for members of one’s family. It is not even patriotism or love for all humanity. It is a longing for the weal and welfare of all beings without exception, even including animals, and even unknown beings in other worlds. Universal benevolence is losing one’s self-interest in the interest in all beings with no exceptions. It is like a drop of water that enters the ocean and loses its identity by merging into the waters of the ocean. In the same way, self-interest is lost in the interest in all beings, including oneself. Interest in others is not opposed to self-interest. It is extending one’s self-interest to include all other beings in this interest without exceptions. One’s interest, which was originally narrow, being concerned only about oneself, is now expanded to include all beings without exception. Universal benevolence is broad mindedness without limits. 

Empathy (Karuna) the depth dimension is the concern how deeply one is interested in the welfare of all beings. It is interest in the welfare of all beings without making any distinction between oneself and others. Others welfare is as important as one’s own, as the mother is concerned about the welfare of one’s own child. Empathy (karuna) is also to be in tune with the sorrows and the happiness of others as if it were ones own. It may be called sympathy or empathy where ones heart vibrates in unison with that of others, and is able to comprehend the others’ points of view and feel it. 

Empathy can be directed at five levels of discomfort (dukkha): 

1. Empathy for those who have lost what they possessed (persons -- through death; things -- through theft; natural disasters, etc.) and for those who are unable to get what they want due to inability. 

2. Empathy for those who have lost their self-identity (loss of position in society, suffering from inferiority complex, ego challenged, etc.). 

3. Empathy for beings in the human world (in prisons, hospitals, refugee camps, and those subject to starvation, suppression, etc.). 

4. Empathy for other less privileged beings (animals, ghosts, beings in hells), that you may not even know about. 

5. Empathy for those who are worrying or repenting for their misdeeds. 

Empathy can be directed at five levels of comfort (sukha

1. Empathy for those who have gained many things they wished for 

2. Empathy for those who have gained their self-identity 

3. Empathy for more privileged beings in the human world who are comfortable and happy 

4. Empathy for more privileged beings in heavens 

5. Empathy for those who are enjoying the freedom from guilt and the benefits of being good and pure in mind 

Empathy is not merely the sympathetic resonance for others sorrow but also the sympathetic congratulation for others happiness and comfort. 

Cultivation of Universal Benevolence (metta):

We begin by making good wishes towards one-self first, thus wishing one’s own welfare. We are all self-centered to start with. It is these self-centered wishes that we expand to include all beings. That is how we broaden the mind. It is important to think these thoughts with feeling instead of merely verbalizing. Because feeling is connected with a mental image, it is important to visualize the area you spread the feeling of compassion. 

Therefore thinking as follows: 

Step I 

May I be well, comfortable, peaceful and happy, free from passion, free from hatred, free from confusion, free from worries, free from fears, and may I maintain myself dispassionate, compassionate, happy and tranquil. 

Step II 

Just as I should be well, peaceful and happy, may all beings in this room be well, comfortable, peaceful and happy (without making any distinction between oneself and others). 

May all beings in this room whether human or non- human, small or large, far or near, visible or invisible, known or unknown, be free from passion, free from hatred, free from confusion, free from worries, free from fears, and may they all maintain themselves dispassionate, compassionate, happy and tranquil. 

Step III

Keep repeating this same formula as above extending these good wishes outwards all beings in ever expanding concentric circles, moving from the room to the city, to the province, country, continent, earth, and the whole universe, and even beyond the universe, to all spheres of existence known and unknown, without limits, without bounds, to infinity without excluding anyone. 

Step IV 

Remain in the final stage of universal benevolence to all beings without exception, as long as possible. 

Cultivation of Empathy (karuna): 

Think of all those beings who are suffering, here in the human world, and even in the world of ghosts and hells. Try to put yourself in their shoes and feel their suffering as if it were your own. Wish that these beings be free from all suffering as soon as possible. Wish that they find happiness soon. 

Wish that they be free from passion, free from hatred, free from confusion, free from worries, and free from fears. May they all be dispassionate, compassionate, happy, and tranquil. 

Now think of all beings in pleasant conditions here in this human world as well as outside, in the heavenly pleasure worlds, the peaceful worlds of form, and the peaceful worlds empty of forms. Try to imagine how happy and peaceful they are and feel happy about their happiness. Wish that their happiness lasts long. Wish that they be free from passion, free from hatred, free from confusion, free from worries, free from fears, and may they all be dispassionate, compassionate, happy and tranquil.